Choosing your treatment
Depending on the stage of your kidney disease, there are treatments and steps you can take to improve your kidney health and overall quality of life.

Although being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease can be overwhelming and scary, there are treatment options available that can help you improve your quality of life and kidney health. Because kidney disease is progressive and occurs in stages, you can take steps to slow down or halt the progression of the damage to your kidneys. With the right planning and support, you can still have a good quality of life.
Dialysis: Key facts
When you have kidney failure your body cannot get rid of extra water and waste products. Dialysis is the removal of the water and waste products.

Kidney transplant
A transplant is a treatment for kidney failure. Find out what’s involved, who can have one, and how to prepare.

Comprehensive conservative care
Find out about comprehensive conservative care, it can be the preferred form of treatment for patients with kidney failure.

Medications & kidney disease
People with chronic kidney disease are often prescribed multiple medications. Understand the impact of medications plus which ones to avoid.

My Kidneys My Choice
When you have kidney failure, you are faced with making important decisions about treatment.

Patient resources
Our 'An Introduction to' series of booklets are available for download or purchase. These, A5 sized booklets provide detailed information about the various elements to kidney disease and treatment. From dialysis, transplantation and donation to comprehensive conservative care and symptom management.