Kidney Health Australia | Risk Test

You can lose
90% of your
kidney function

before symptoms appear

This 2-minute test could save you from kidney failure.

Do you have diabetes? *

Please select an option

Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease. High levels of sugar in your blood damages your organs including your kidneys. Types of diabetes include:

  • Type 1 Diabetes (formally called juvenile diabetes)
  • Type 2 Diabetes (formally called mature onset diabetes)
  • Gestational Diabetes (pregnancy related)

Do you have high blood pressure (above 140/90) or are you taking blood pressure medication? *

Please select an option

It is very common for high blood pressure to cause kidney disease. It's also very common for people with kidney disease to have high blood pressure, setting up a 'vicious cycle'. High blood pressure puts a strain on your heart and on your blood vessels, including those in your kidneys.
If you are taking medicine to lower your blood pressure, please select yes.

Have you ever had a stroke, heart attack, or been told you have heart failure? *

Please select an option

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a broad term that includes heart failure, heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms and stroke. CVD can cause kidney disease and people with kidney disease are also at risk of cardiovascular disease. It goes both ways!

Is there a history of kidney failure in your family? *

Please select an option

Having a close family member who has had dialysis or a kidney transplant means you are at increased risk of developing kidney disease. This is because some causes of kidney disease can be genetic, ie. the disease is inherited from your family.

Are you overweight or obese? (Body Mass Index [BMI] ≥ 30kg/m²) *

Please select an option
Calculate your BMI
Your BMI = kg/m2

If you are overweight or obese, your kidneys have to work harder, filtering more blood than normal to meet your body's increased demands. The damage from this can lead to kidney disease.

Are you a current or former smoker? *

Please select an option

People who smoke are three times more likely to have reduced kidney function. Smoking damages your blood vessels, including those in the kidney, meaning your kidneys need to work harder to filter blood. This can damage the kidneys.

Have you ever had a short term (acute) kidney injury? *

Please select an option

An 'Acute Kidney Injury' (AKI) is a short-term injury to your kidneys, which may occur due to infection, blood loss or heart attack, and in some cases, due to a sports injury, even though your kidneys may have completely recovered from the injury, you are still at increased risk of developing CKD.

Are you over the age of 60? *

Please select an option

The risk of developing kidney disease increases as you age. This is because your kidney function naturally declines as you get older. While declining kidney function is part of the natural ageing process, it contributes to your overall risk of developing kidney disease and so it is important to consider the person's age when evaluating their overall risk of developing kidney disease.

Are you a First Nations Australian? *

Please select an option

First Nations Australians are twice as likely to develop CKD as non-indigenous peoples. The higher burden of kidney disease among First Nations Australians is due to the impacts of ongoing colonisation, and the social, political, and cultural determinants that affect health and wellbeing. There is no current evidence showing that First Nations Australians genetics increase the risk of chronic kidney disease.

The following questions help us understand more about the type of people at risk of kidney disease.

Please select an option

The following info will be de-identified and only used for aggregate statistical purposes only.

Please tell us your gender:

Please select an option

Please choose which age range you fall into:

Please select an option

Please tell us which state you live in:

Please select a state