National Strategic Action Plan for Kidney Disease
The National Strategic Action Plan is our blueprint to address the most pressing issues around kidney disease in Australia.
Details of the Plan
Kidney Health Australia was commissioned by the Commonwealth Government Department of Health in late 2018 to deliver the first ever National Strategic Action Plan for Kidney Disease. It was finalised and launched in March 2020.
The Plan recognises the significant and growing impact of kidney disease on the health and wellbeing of Australians – as well as the economic impact on society. It is accompanied by a Public Health and Chronic Disease Program grant of $3.7 million.
Goals of the Plan
This Plan aims to provide a blueprint for transforming kidney disease in Australia over the next 10 ten years. It features over 30 actions across three priority areas designed to address the most pressing needs in kidney disease.
These priority areas are:
- Prevention, Detection and Education.
- Optimal Care and Support.
- Research and Data.
With the right focus, collaboration and partnerships, Australia has the capacity to make lasting changes; slowing the tidal wave of chronic conditions, providing equitable support and care for people affected by kidney disease and using research to improve lives and ultimately find cures for deadly disease.
The genuine involvement and input of so many stakeholders from across the kidney disease sector into the development of the Plan is what makes it so effective. Kidney Health Australia thanks all those organisations and individuals who contributed to the development of this plan.
Who the Plan is for
The intended audiences for the Plan include the Australian and state and territory governments, health service providers and funders, clinicians, consumers, researchers and research funders. Achieving the plan’s vision will require coordinated national action and partnerships across all levels of government and the health system, non-government organisations, the private sector, researchers and academics, and people affected by kidney disease.
The Plan is accompanied by three compendium documents detailing the evidence base supporting the Plan, a stocktake of relevant programs and initiatives at a state and national level, and a summary of the consultation undertaken in developing the Plan.
Next steps
The federal government has committed to delivery of the Plan with $3.5 million of funding being put towards program development, community outreach and research.
As the peak body for kidney health in Australia, we are pleased to be driving recommendations outlined in the Plan that will:
- build awareness of kidney disease
- influence strategy and programs for early detection and treatment
- develop services and support for people living with kidney disease, and their carers.