PaCE CKD: International patient-centric CKD research: treatment preferences, QoL & financial burden
Brief Description:
PaCE CKD is a multi-country market research study conducted in the UK, Egypt, Italy, Mexico, Taiwan, Germany, Australia and the US. The main objective of the study is to determine patient and carer preferences for CKD treatments and to understand burden of disease in terms of quality of life, financial burden and work productivity. The study has been reviewed by an international Institutional Review Board (Pearl IRB) and has been granted an exemption for a full review due to its low/negligible risk nature. For Australia we are looking to recruit 100 CKD patients in dialysis and 50 informal carers caring for CKD patients in dialysis. The method of data collection is a 30-minute online survey. In appreciation for participants’ time and participation, we will provide a reimbursement of AUD 35 with a bank transfer. The survey results will be published – sharing patient preferences and the burden of CKD. Ready to participate? If you are a patient on dialysis, please use this link: If you are caring for a patient on dialysis, please use this link: Want to learn more? Contact the researcher at [email protected].
Type of research:
Consumer perspectives research
Your time commitment:
Consumers re-imbursed?
Incentive / voucher for participation
In appreciation for participants’ time and participation, we will provide a reimbursement of AUD 35 with a bank transfer.
Who are researchers looking for?
100 CKD patients on dialysis and 50 informal carers of CKD patients on dialysis
Contact for more info:
Email: [email protected]
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