Teresa and Dom - a gift of love
Each year is a double blessing for Teresa and Dom.
Teresa’s husband, Dom is now celebrating his 25th year since his kidney transplant operation in 1998. It was in 1993, that Dom began to feel generally unwell. By the time he saw a doctor and had a range of tests done it was late 1993. Dom was diagnosed with nephritis, and this may have been the case, many years before he presented as unwell.
Teresa made the decision to donate a kidney to Dom, being a 99% match and the operation occurred the day before their wedding anniversary in March 1998. Each year the anniversary comes around, it is a double blessing, for their marriage and Dom’s new life.
Teresa and Dom have both made the decision to leave a gift in their Will to Kidney Health Australia, to give back for the gift that was given to them.
“Kidney Health Australia do an amazing job, they are always ready to help people to learn to live with kidney disease, and I want to ensure that support continues for people when they are diagnosed with kidney disease, and when they are facing a transplant.”
Your legacy can ensure that future generations no longer fear kidney disease. It is a gift that will give someone with chronic kidney disease something immensely previous back – their health and their life.
Learn more about leaving a legacy